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We regularly canvass League participants to find out at what level they want to see regionalised football. In the survey conducted in 2017 people said they wanted it from the Junior Section, so that's what we did. In the survey in 2020 they said Intermediate. It was too late to impact the 2020/21 season but the proposal for 2021/22 will reflect that.
While we could regionalise the entire league, right up to the Senior Section, that's not what we are about. There are local leagues to play in already, and it reduces the standing of the league for it to become a collection of local divisions with teams playing the same opponents every few weeks. The top teams in the SAL are respected throughout non-League football as being among the best amateurs in the country. To regionalise the league to that top level would reduce the level of competition and possibly drive some of the better clubs away. It is worth considering that the introduction of regionalised football in 2003 has not diminished the decline in our football. There is a trend in adult 11-a-side football generally which has seen numbers drop exponentially in the last twenty years. We are pleased to report that we have stemmed the flow somewhat, compared to other competitions, but we don't believe that reducing the league to a patchwork of small, unrelated leagues will offer an appealing prospect for potential new clubs and players.
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